Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why Is Pluto Not A Planet Anymore?

So I started writing this assignment like any other essay I had ever written, then I nearly had a stroke from yawning too much (i dont even know if that is possible) cos it was so damn boring so I decided to write it how I see things, thus my teacher thinks I am an angry I-hate-everything-in-the-whole-wide-world sort of teenager who is incapable of communicating with anyone in an appropriate manner. No wonder he doesn't bother asking me any questions in class. Either that, or he doesn't want to disturb me during nap time.

So here goes, 

All my life I had been forced into believing there were nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus! Neptune and Pluto, until I turned 11 in 2006, the year that changed everyone's view of the people we call astronomers. How could they have granted Pluto planetary status, only to heartlessly withdraw it in less than eighty years?

Before 1930, astronomers had always believed in a ninth planet due to anomalies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus and soon discovered an exceptionally bright comet (the brightness was thought to be an effect of the size of it) and thought hmm..this must be our missing planet and awarded Pluto planetary status, probably for supposedly being so large.

Then in 1978, a moon of Pluto was detected, Charon, and the size of Pluto was reconsidered and found to be about 2300km wide, almost half the width of the United States (oh how you scientists are foolish.) Now astronomers started to doubt themselves.

Following the uncertainty in Pluto's planetary status after the discovery of many other possible planets in the Kuiper Belt, the International Astronomical Union in 2005, devised three categories an object must fall into to be classed a planet:

1) It is in orbit around the sun
Pluto has an unusually elliptical orbit around the sun and sometimes even falls in front of Neptune's orbit, but there is sadly no chance of an epic humongously fantastic collision.

2) it has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium
Although Pluto is ridiculously tiny, it has enough mass for its shape to be controlled by gravitational forces and stays fairly spherical. Maybe the United States even has its own gravitational force, how cool would that be.

3) it has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit
This is sadly where Pluto's flaw lies. It not only flies into Neptune's orbit but also shares its orbit with other objects in the Kuiper belt, therefore, Pluto fails this category.

As Pluto falls into two of the categories it has been degraded, and is classed as something these fools call a 'dwarf planet'. 'Dwarf planet' my butt. There is no such thing. This 'dwarf planet' business was only brought about so scientists don't look so stupid. 

Tbh, Astronomers desperateness in trying to explain the anomalies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune and lightening up their world with the discovery of a new planet, resulted in them putting Pluto on its planetary pedestal, only to drag it down again, making themselves look like complete idiots and resulting in the rest of the world feeling sorry for poor Pluto and wanting it back so at least the pneumonic makes sense again.

So there's the post I promised. I've also got another post planned soon so look out for that one. 


Yusraa x

Saturday, August 24, 2013


I know I haven't blogged in a while and I am terribly sorry to whoever actually reads this thing. I had thought that I would have more time to blog after my exams were over but nope, I became uber busy rather than having the relaxing time I'd hoped for and I'm kinda still stuck in that. So in the mean time, I may post something I had written as an assignment for my physics class (stop that yawn), which was surprisingly interesting. Hopefully I will have more time to blog soon, this is something I need to keep up with or I shall lose the ability (or lack of) to write and then become a caveman and just draw pictures or something. Yes I'm rather melodramatic. 


Yusraa x

Saturday, June 22, 2013

I am not a hugger.

Ever been in that awkward situation when an acquaintance is advancing towards you and you're in a state of mild confusion, whether you should give them a hug or simply smile and wave, but somehow you end up trying to shake their hand? Yup, me too.

I was in this odd situation a few weeks ago, when I was meeting a friend of my sister. She obviously must have taken to me, so my ridiculous spur of the moment handshake was met with her non-mutual (is that even a word?) hug. It was not pleasant.

I don't really have much patience with people who are overly emotionally attached to each other. Okay, we get it, you're best friends, but that doesn't mean you have to jump on each other and act like you havnt seen each other in years, when in reality you just saw each other yesterday, and the day before that,and every other day before that.

I ahev more of a make-stupid-jokes-about-each-other-until-one-or-both-of-you-have-the-desire-to-eat kind of relationship with my best friends, which is way more fun.

So, to anyone who tries to hug me, it will not be reciprocated. Just Sayin'.


Yusraa x

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tea, Books and Freedom

For the past couple of months, I have withdrawn myself from the world, all because of stupid exams, which are now over (yay!), only to find that I am very broke, more so than young Jack, though, unfortunately, I don't have any magic beans.

Whilst my exams were taking place, the only pleasurable thing I did was drink tea and read books, and so, my house is now a cross between Costa and Waterstones, because buying books and drinking endless cups of tea is most obviously the answer to all my problems (!), hence, I now have no money.

And this is rather painful.

I've noticed that when I am in a financial crisis (yes, i know it sounds like the end of the world), I see lots of beautiful things and my shopping list seems to become ceaseless. Yet, when I  am not in this state (what a ridiculous idea), I don't come across any amazing watches, or any  perfect pairs of shoes. Oh, how life is unfair!

Also, I am slightly confused as to what to do with myself until exam season comes around again. Hip Hip Hurray for freedom (!)


Yusraa x

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Exams, Exams And More Exams

Whoop(!) Exam Season has started, hence, my life is now on hold.

Summer Term brings with it the stressful and traumatizing experience of exam prep.  Revision is something I know lots of people find irritating and laborious. Personally, I get distracted by the simplest of things. It's not that i hate revision, tbh i kind of enjoy it (major geeky moment), it just takes me time to get focused. I could spend hours staring at the wall and daydreaming about something completely irrelevant.

The only thing that keeps me motivated is the thought of partaaay-ing after exams are over. And the feeling of self satisfaction when you get the grades you've wished for.

But for the next month and a half, I shall be hibernating in my lair of books and praying to God to help me through my exams. Not to mention, becoming an emotional wreck, a caffeine addict and having withdrawal symptoms from having no social life.

'Til my exams are done with, Goodbye.


Yusraa x

Monday, April 15, 2013

Patience is a virtue...

I hate waiting. Whether it's for the bus (ain't nobody got time fo' that) or for a webpage to load (maniacal mouse clicking starts here), I have absolutely no patience, especially with my younger brothers.

Babysitting is one of the worst jobs EVER...I don't even like thinking about it. My brothers are like monsters. LOL JK, they're worse. I can't even drink a cup of coffee in peace.

They will refuse to play anything together except football indoors (yes, my mother will kill them, and me, if she finds out)and wrestling (my cue to leave the room.) Then they will harass each other until one (or both) starts crying. At this point, I give up trying to help them.

Here is my expert (pffft) babysitting routine:
  • Place children in front of PlayStation and allow to play FIFA until they fall asleep.
  • Give them all the food in the house to keep them quiet.
  • Lock oneself in one's room and relax.
Though they are quite horrid sometimes and really madden me, I do love my brothers.


Yusraa x 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

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